Welcome to USC's Research Training Finder

This site is designed to support our researchers and scholars in determining the training requirements that apply to their conduct and support of research at USC and also describes additional recommended training offerings that are available. Information on course content, timing, and frequency of course offerings, as well as the target audience required and/or recommended to complete the training is provided.

In order to make the most effective use of the Research Training Finder, follow the steps below to obtain a list of training requirements and offerings that apply to your role and the kind of research you conduct or support. Questions or suggestions for additional training offerings to be listed? Contact rii@usc.edu.

Select the type of course list you want to generate: You can generate a list of required courses only or a list of both required and recommended courses.
Identify your position: Select the type of position that most closely aligns with your job function from the “Who Are You?” drop-down menu.
Identify your responsibilities on research projects: Select the responsibilities you undertake on research projects from the “Your Responsibilities” menu.  You can select more than one option. Finally, click on the course title in your tailored list to go to the course training site.

Generate a Course Listing

For a list of required courses:
AALAS Certificationdaradm@med.usc.eduhttps://uscedu.sharepoint.com/sites/dar/SitePages/Training.aspxInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee/Department of Animal ResourcesFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory before initiating Animal Care and Use TrainingOnline; Offered year-roundNoNo

Staff training sessions covering topics such as the biology, care, and use in research of common laboratory animal species; disease problems of laboratory animals and updates on health surveillance programs as well as topics related to occupational health and safety.

Has direct contact with live vertebrate animals, Listed on an IACUC Protocol (even if not handling animals), Will handle animal carcasses/tissues or will have access to a vivarium, Work with animals, Works with biohazardous materials in animals
Animal Biosafety Level 2ehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory before handling ABSL-2 animals (infected animals).Zoom: Once per monthNoNo

This course covers the institutional policies and procedures for research involving administration of hazardous substance to animal research. The policies and procedures have been established by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to protect occupational exposures of hazardous materials during administration, husbandry, and disposal of animals treated with biological and chemical hazards. The course provides safety guidelines for researchers and husbandry personnel.

Listed on an IACUC Protocol (even if not handling animals), Work with animals
Animal Care and Use Trainingdaradm@med.usc.eduhttps://uscedu.sharepoint.com/sites/dar/SitePages/Training.aspxInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee/Department of Animal ResourcesFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory prior to initiating research on animals and before In-person TrainingOnline for Trojan Learn portion, then In-Person for an orientation and handling; offered year-round except on holidaysYesNo

Course consists of species-specific web courses, audiovisual presentations and self-exams. Training materials are assigned according to the species listed and procedures described in the approved Institutional Animal Care and Use (IACUC) Protocol Synopsis Form on which the ‘trainee’ is listed. Individuals to be trained must also be listed on the applicable IACUC protocol synopsis for by the principal investigator.

Has direct contact with live vertebrate animals, Will handle animal carcasses/tissues or will have access to a vivarium, Work with animals, Works with biohazardous materials in animals
Animal Care and Use Training Refresherdaradm@med.usc.eduhttps://uscedu.sharepoint.com/sites/dar/SitePages/Training.aspxInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee/Department of Animal ResourcesFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory: to be taken annually after completion of Animal Care and Use TrainingOnline as a power point guided presentationYes, annuallyYes, Animal Care and Use Training

In addition to the initial training course, the IACUC requires that each investigator offer an annual animal refresher course using the materials on dar.usc.edu on animal care and use at USC to their laboratory staff on an annual basis. A DAR veterinarian is also available, on request, to perform this training instead of the investigator. Please email a DAR veterinarian to schedule this. Note that completion of the annual refresher training is mandatory for all labs utilizing animals in research. However, do not send your checklist or personnel sign in sheet to the Department of Animal Resources. This documentation must be maintained with your laboratory records and must be available for inspection by the IACUC on request.

Has direct contact with live vertebrate animals, Will handle animal carcasses/tissues or will have access to a vivarium, Work with animals, Works with biohazardous materials in animals
Biomedical Human Subjects (Spanish)oprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/ARequired for Spanish speakers who are named as study personnel on a Biomedical study and required upon study submissionOnlineYes, every 3 yearsNo

This web-based course is offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program). CITI will add soon Human Subject Research Protections (HSR) Refresher (Spanish) (to be taken every 3 years)   An HSR-Biomed (Spanish) Refresher is not yet available from CITI. There is no anticipated date of availability. Recertification remains every 3 years.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research, Ship Biological Materials
Biosafety Level 3 (BSL3)ehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory before beginning work in the lab. Take this course before completing medical clearance or any on-site trainingContact EH&SYes, annualNo

The course is a combination of didactic presentations and practical exercises regarding the fundamentals of biosafety level 3. The course will cover classification of microorganisms, biosafety levels, risk assessment, personal protective equipment, and infectious research best practices and procedures. This course will be a pre-requisite to BSL-3 onsite training and medical clearance. The BSL-3 fundamentals training can be accomplished in-house or through an approved vendor.

Work in BSL3 laboratory
Bloodborne Pathogens Training (BBP)ehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/ABefore beginning work in the labTrojan Learn: Year-round; Zoom: Once per monthNoNo

Anyone working with or has the potential to be exposed to human or non-human primate blood, blood products, cell lines, bodily fluids, or other potentially infectious materials must attend.

Handle human (or non-human primate) tissue/cell lines/blood or other potentially infectious material, Ship Biological Materials, Work in Biosafety Level 2+ (BSL2+) lab or with viral vectors, Work in BSL3 laboratory
Bloodborne Pathogens Training (BBP) Refresherehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory: complete 1 year after 1st course completionTrojan Learn: Year-roundAnnualYes, Bloodborne Pathogens Training (BBP)

BBP Refresher may be completed: (a) In-house by PI as part of the Annual Safety Refresher. Use the checklist as a guide. OR (b) via The Bloodborne Pathogen and Aerosol Transmitted Disease Online Training as assigned by the PI.

Handle human (or non-human primate) tissue/cell lines/blood or other potentially infectious material, Ship Biological Materials, Work in Biosafety Level 2+ (BSL2+) lab or with viral vectors, Work in BSL3 laboratory
Cardinal & Gold: And The Award Goes To…Congelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

So you’ve submitted your budget and proposal to the sponsor, now what happens? There are many steps to accepting and setting up an award, and this course will unlock the mystery. Discussion focuses on pre-award negotiations and actions such as revised budgets and advance spending; the award acceptance process; post-award management issues, including project changes, budgeting, subawards and subaward monitoring; cost sharing obligations; and fulfilling project reporting obligations.

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Cardinal & Gold: Conflict Of Interest In ResearchCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

Maintaining the highest ethical standards is critical to our work as researchers.  This course reviews regulations and policies related to conflict of interest, including terminology, concepts and procedures for disclosing and reviewing a financial interest.  Numerous examples and role-playing opportunities guide participants as they learn to complete forms and identify and assess factors that increase concerns related to a personal financial interest. Key resources are identified for addressing researcher questions.

Manage/administer grants or contracts
Cardinal & Gold: Gifts, Grants Or WhateverCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

Gift? Grant? Not sure? This course demystifies the classification of awards as gifts, grants or contracts. Instructors provide an overview of the award classification and gift acceptance processes using case studies and other methods.

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Cardinal & Gold: Help Me With My Budget!Congelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

A step-by-step primer on preparing a proposal budget. Topics include: cost components of a budget, universal cost principles applicable to preparing proposal budgets, budgeting techniques and practice, cost sharing, calculating F&A costs and budgeting tools and resources. 

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Cardinal & Gold: Navigating the National Institutes of HealthCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

Preparing and submitting grant applications to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of USC’s largest sponsors, can be a daunting process. This course will help you gain the information and tools necessary to prepare and submit grants utilizing the grants.gov system or PHS 398 applications. Topics include preparing applications for submission, modular grants, the just-in-time process and post-award management.

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Cardinal & Gold: Navigating the National Science FoundationCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

Let us help you navigate the policies, procedures and regulations specific to the National Science Foundation (NSF).  We will demonstrate the use of FastLane, NSF’s official system for submitting and reviewing proposals, the submission of annual and final project reports and all other post-award notifications and requests.

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Cardinal & Gold: Preparing Your ProposalCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

Learn the basics for preparing a proposal, including securing the appropriate approvals and submitting to the funding agency. Topics include types of proposals, interpreting sponsor guidelines, completing sponsor application forms and internal USC forms. 

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Cardinal & Gold: The Basics Of Intellectual PropertyCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

How do we protect the fruits of our labor? Providing a basic understanding of intellectual property — in its many forms — as it relates to the administration of research at USC, this course covers topics including ownership of research records; invention disclosure; publishing; copyrights; patents; trade secrets; material transfer agreements; and tangible research products (e.g., tissue, animal models, cell lines, viruses, chemical compounds and transgenic animals).

Manage/administer grants or contracts
Cardinal & Gold: The Fundamentals Of Research AdministrationCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

This introductory course will welcome you to the world of research administration at USC and will assist you in mastering key concepts necessary for effective management of sponsored projects. The course covers: the USC research environment and its principles; roles and responsibilities among the research community; general terms and policies associated with USC’s research and creative endeavors; and the lifecycle of a proposal and award.

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Cardinal & Gold: The Story Of SubawardsCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

This course will demystify the process of setting up a subaward and highlight major issues at the Pre-Award and Post-Award stages. Topics include distinguishing between subaward & vendor, budgeting subawards, conflicts of interest, subrecipient monitoring, reviewing subrecipient invoices and much more.

Manage/administer grants or contracts
Cardinal & Gold: Understanding ContractsCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

Do you feel like contracts are written in a foreign language? Let us help you crack the code. This course will provide an overview of contract types for both government and industry funding, and discuss the issues of greatest importance to USC.

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Cardinal & Gold: Wherever You Go, There You Are: Export ControlsCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/the-cardinal-gold-curriculum/Department of Contracts and GrantsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

Export Control regulations govern the shipment, transmission, or transfer of certain regulated items, information or software to foreign persons or entities. It is necessary to know about export regulations since compliance is the responsibility of the individual exporting or disclosing information and materials. This class is a guide for anyone who administers international research and foreign students at USC, exports materials and equipment, works with disclosure-restricted technical information, travels internationally or who manages international financial transactions. It is designed to provide sufficient information for research administrators to be able to recognize and appropriate respond to export control issues.

Manage/administer grants or contracts
Center for Excellence in Researchusccer@usc.eduhttp://orif.usc.edu/cer/Office of ResearchN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianOptionalOnline - Spring & Fall SemestersNoNo

Each semester, the Center for Excellence in Research under the Office of Research Initiatives and Facilities organizes workshops for USC researchers. These courses are designed to provide faculty, research staff, postdocs, PhD students and graduate students across all fields of study with specialized skills and knowledge in seeking funding from government, foundation, and corporate organizations as well as a variety of other topics.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research, Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts, Use or am potentially exposed to chemicals or manage/supervise/work in a wet lab, Work with animals
Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC)oprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsN/AResearch CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

The CRC course provides clinical research professionals with basic training tailored to the CRC’s fundamental role in the conduct of clinical trials. It is designed for new CRCs and can be used by organizations as onboarding training. It may also be useful to those pursuing a career in clinical research.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research, Ship Biological Materials
Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) Advancedoprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsN/AResearch CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

The CRC Advanced course covers advanced topics, including: project management for clinical trials; preventing and identifying misconduct and noncompliance; training and mentoring; financial management of clinical trials; subject recruitment and retention; statistics and data management of clinical trials; and specialty areas and regulatory requirements.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Controlled Substances (CST)ehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory: Prior to handling Controlled Substances; recommended before applying for DEA LicenseTrojan Learn: Year-roundYes , every 2 yearsNo

All controlled substance (Sch I-V) users at USC are required to complete the online Controlled Substances Training on Trojan Learn.

Work with controlled substances
COVID-19: Back to Campusoprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianOptionalOnlineNoNo

A complimentary course to train staff, students, and faculty on COVID-19 safety for their return to campus.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
COVID-19: Insights for Higher Ed Leadersoprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianOptionalOnlineNoNo

Gain insights to guide strategic planning surrounding COVID-19 operations in Higher Ed.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Export Controls at USC: An Introductioncompliance@usc.eduhttps://trojanlearn.csod.com/ui/lms-learning-details/app/course/d7013140-8e97-4343-bece-dae2d1a6938bOffice of Culture, Ethics and ComplianceFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Student, TechnicianAdministrative Staff, Research CoordinatorMandatory: before conducting restricted researchOnlineNoNo

This introductory course is designed to enable researchers and other employees to understand the kinds of activities that may raise export control considerations so that they can proactively engage with the Office of Culture, Ethics and Compliance (OCEC) for guidance on whether the regulations apply in specific situations. The target audience for the course is USC faculty and staff who conduct restricted research, and research units and other departments affected by export controls. The course must be completed in Trojan Learn.

Manage/administer grants or contracts, Ship Biological Materials, Use a Class 3B or 4 laser, Use or am potentially exposed to chemicals or manage/supervise/work in a wet lab
General Lab Safety Refresherehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory: complete 1 year after 1st course completionTrojan Learn: Year-roundYes, AnnualYes, General Lab Safety Training

General Lab Safety Refresher may be completed: (a) In-house by PI as part of the Annual Safety Refresher. Use the checklist as a guide. OR (b) via the Online General Lab Safety Training Course in Trojan Learn. The course covers hazardous materials, lab hazards, engineering and administrative controls, personal protective equipment, and hazardous waste management. Anyone working in USC laboratories must attend. High school students must complete the course and provide a signed Parent Consent Form to their USC research advisors prior to working in USC laboratories.

Handle human (or non-human primate) tissue/cell lines/blood or other potentially infectious material, Perform functions for which I am required to wear a respirator, Use a Class 3B or 4 laser, Use or am potentially exposed to chemicals or manage/supervise/work in a wet lab, Work in Biosafety Level 2+ (BSL2+) lab or with viral vectors, Work in BSL3 laboratory, Work with controlled substances, Work with pyrophoric/explosive or large quantities of flammable materials, Work with radiation or radioactive materials, Work with X-ray irradiator, Work with X-rays produced by analytic X-ray Diffraction Equipment (XRD), Works with biohazardous materials, Works with biohazardous materials in animals
General Lab Safety Trainingehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory completion before beginning work in a lab.In-person: Once per month; Trojan Learn: Year-round.YesNo

The course covers hazardous materials, lab hazards, engineering and administrative controls, personal protective equipment, and hazardous waste management. Anyone working in USC laboratories must attend. High school students must complete the course and provide a signed Parent Consent Form to their USC research advisors prior to working in USC laboratories.

Handle human (or non-human primate) tissue/cell lines/blood or other potentially infectious material, Perform functions for which I am required to wear a respirator, Use a Class 3B or 4 laser, Use or am potentially exposed to chemicals or manage/supervise/work in a wet lab, Work in Biosafety Level 2+ (BSL2+) lab or with viral vectors, Work in BSL3 laboratory, Work with controlled substances, Work with pyrophoric/explosive or large quantities of flammable materials, Work with radiation or radioactive materials, Work with X-ray irradiator, Work with X-rays produced by analytic X-ray Diffraction Equipment (XRD), Works with biohazardous materials, Works with biohazardous materials in animals
General Shop Safety Trainingehs@usc.eduhttps://trojanlearn.csod.com/ui/lms-learning-details/app/course/3577cb60-8dde-4cde-a610-0bd1be30acfcEnvironmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory before beginning work in the shopTrojan Learn: Year-roundNoNo

This training introduces learners to the Universal Shop Safety Rules and participation in a Culture of Safety. 

Work in a shop
GLS Lab Safety Meet and Greetehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AGLS participants who complete the initial General Lab Safety Training (GLS) online or via Zoom must attend a Meet and Greet session.Zoom: Once per weekNoGeneral Lab Safety Online or Zoom

The GLS Meet and Greet is a workshop that:
- Introduces new USC researchers to EH&S Research Safety staff.
- Promotes the exchange of safety information, anecdotes, or experiences between colleagues.
- Connects researchers with EH&S staff to assist in addressing questions or concerns.

Handle human (or non-human primate) tissue/cell lines/blood or other potentially infectious material, Perform functions for which I am required to wear a respirator, Use a Class 3B or 4 laser, Use or am potentially exposed to chemicals or manage/supervise/work in a wet lab, Work in Biosafety Level 2+ (BSL2+) lab or with viral vectors, Work in BSL3 laboratory, Work with controlled substances, Work with pyrophoric/explosive or large quantities of flammable materials, Work with radiation or radioactive materials, Work with X-ray irradiator, Work with X-rays produced by analytic X-ray Diffraction Equipment (XRD), Works with biohazardous materials, Works with biohazardous materials in animals
Good Clinical Practice Clinical Trials Drugs and Biologicsoprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AUpon study submissionOnlineYes, every 3 yearsNo

This web-based course is offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program); course content is tailored to GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs and Biologics. The GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs and Biologics Refresher course must be completed every 3 years to maintain certification.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Good Clinical Practice Clinical Trials Drugs and Biologics Refresheroprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AEvery 3 yearsOnlineYes, every 3 yearsYes - (GCP) Clinical Trials Drugs and Biologics

The GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs and Biologics Refresher course must be completed every 3 years to maintain certification.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Good Clinical Practice Clinical Trials Medical Devicesoprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AUpon study submissionOnlineYes, every 3 yearsNo

This web-based course is offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program). The course content is tailored to GCP for Clinical Trials with Medical Devices (U.S. FDA focus).

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Good Clinical Practice Clinical Trials Medical Devices Refresheroprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AEvery 3 yearsOnlineYes, every 3 yearsyes - (GCP) Clinical Trials Medical Devices

The GCP for Clinical Trials with Medical Devices Refresher course must be completed every 3 years to maintain certification.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Good Clinical Practice Social-Behavioral for Clinical Researchoprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AUpon study submissionOnlineYes, every 3 yearsNo

This web-based course is offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program). The course content is tailored to GCP for Clinical Trials in Social-Behavioral research.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Good Clinical Practice Social-Behavioral for Clinical Research Refresheroprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AEvery 3 yearsOnlineYes, every 3 yearsYes - (GCP) Social-Behavioral Research

The GCP for Clinical Trials in Social-Behavioral research refresher course must be completed every 3 years to maintain certification.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Grants Management Training for Faculty: Authorship and Attribution, Peer Review, and MentoringCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/grants-management-training-for-faculty/Department of Contracts and GrantsFaculty/Principal Investigator, PostdocN/AMandatory: Prior to Award Establishment.OnlineNoNo

This course will provide a brief overview of appropriate authorship practices and equip Principal Investigators with the tools necessary to better understand ethical practices in peer review. 

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Grants Management Training for Faculty: Conflicts of Interest in ResearchCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/grants-management-training-for-faculty/Department of Contracts and GrantsFaculty/Principal Investigator, PostdocN/AMandatory: Prior to Award Establishment.OnlineNoNo

This course will enable Principal Investigators to recognize possible conflict of interest scenarios and initiate a conflict of interest disclosure. 

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Grants Management Training for Faculty: Data Sharing and ManagementCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/grants-management-training-for-faculty/Department of Contracts and GrantsFaculty/Principal Investigator, PostdocN/AMandatory: Prior to Award Establishment.OnlineNoNo

This course will define the concept of “data” and cover the obligations and responsibilities of the Principal Investigator as it relates to recording and storing data. 

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Grants Management Training for Faculty: Federal Cost Principles and Fiscal ManagementCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/grants-management-training-for-faculty/Department of Contracts and GrantsFaculty/Principal Investigator, PostdocN/AMandatory: Prior to Award Establishment.OnlineNoNo

This course will provide an overview of federal cost principles as well as the basics of financially managing a sponsored award.

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Grants Management Training for Faculty: Funding Mechanisms and Regulatory BodiesCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/grants-management-training-for-faculty/Department of Contracts and GrantsFaculty/Principal Investigator, PostdocN/AMandatory: Prior to Award Establishment.OnlineNoNo

This course will cover the common types of funding mechanisms often associated with sponsored awards as well as the various regulatory bodies that exist at USC. 

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Grants Management Training for Faculty: Post-Award Management and CloseoutCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/grants-management-training-for-faculty/Department of Contracts and GrantsFaculty/Principal Investigator, PostdocN/AMandatory: Prior to Award Establishment.OnlineNoNo

This course focuses on the ins and outs of managing a sponsored award, including project closeout. 

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Grants Management Training for Faculty: Research MisconductCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/grants-management-training-for-faculty/Department of Contracts and GrantsFaculty/Principal Investigator, PostdocN/AMandatory: Prior to Award Establishment.OnlineNoNo

This course will cover what research misconduct is, why it is important, and how allegations of research misconduct are addressed at USC. 

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Grants Management Training for Faculty: Roles, Responsibilities, and SystemsCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/grants-management-training-for-faculty/Department of Contracts and GrantsFaculty/Principal Investigator, PostdocN/AMandatory: Prior to Award Establishment.OnlineNoNo

This course will cover the core responsibilities of being a Principal Investigator as well as the various internal systems a PI is likely to interact with during the course of a sponsored award.  

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Grants Management Training for Staff: And The Award Goes To…Congelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/grants-management-training-for-staff/Department of Contracts and GrantsAdministrative Staff, Research CoordinatorN/AMandatory: Prior to Expending Funds on a Sponsored Project Award.OnlineNoNo

So you’ve submitted your budget and proposal to the sponsor, now what happens? There are many steps to accepting and setting up an award, and this course will unlock the mystery. Discussion focuses on pre-award negotiations and actions such as revised budgets and advance spending; the award acceptance process; post-award management issues, including project changes, budgeting, subawards and subaward monitoring; cost sharing obligations; and fulfilling project reporting obligations.

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
Grants Management Training for Staff: The Fundamentals Of Research AdministrationCongelli@usc.eduhttps://dcg.usc.edu/training-resources/grants-management-training-for-staff/Department of Contracts and GrantsAdministrative Staff, Research CoordinatorN/AMandatory: Prior to Expending Funds on a Sponsored Project Award.OnlineNoNo

This introductory course will welcome you to the world of research administration at USC and will assist you in mastering key concepts necessary for effective management of sponsored projects. The course covers: the USC research environment and its principles; roles and responsibilities among the research community; general terms and policies associated with USC’s research and creative endeavors; and the lifecycle of a proposal and award.

Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
HHS Conflict of Interest Trainingcompliance@usc.eduhttps://ooc.usc.edu/conflict-of-interest/conflict-of-interest-in-research/hhs-required-coi-training/Office of Culture, Ethics and ComplianceFaculty/Principal Investigator, PostdocN/AMandatory: prior to submitting or conducting a HHS-supported proposalOnlineYes, every 4 yearsNo

All researchers who propose or conduct research sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services (NIH, CDC, HRSA) must complete training at least once every four years regarding conflicts of interest in research. USC offers online training on the requirements of federal regulations and USC policy, as well as on diSClose, USC’s online disclosure system. The required initial training is the CITI online USC Conflict of Interest training. Refresher training must be completed in Trojan Learn and is offered every other year in conjunction with the annual disclosure process.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research, Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts
HIPAA Privacy Education Programcompliance@usc.eduhttps://ooc.usc.edu/compliance-programs/data-privacy/health-information/hipaa-privacy-education-program-2/Office of Culture, Ethics and ComplianceAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory: prior to accessing USC patient informationOnlineNoNo

Course covers all aspects of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the protection of the privacy of individually identifiable health information.  PLEASE NOTE: This does not replace the "Research HIPAA" course.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research, Have access to Protected Health Information
Human Subjects Research Protections Biomedicaloprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AUpon study submissionOnlineYes, every 3 yearsNo

This HSR web-based course is offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) and has a biomedical focus covering the historical development of human subjects protections as well as current information on regulatory and ethical issues.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Human Subjects Research Protections Biomedical Refresheroprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AEvery 3 yearsOnlineYes, every 3 yearsYes - (HSR) Biomedical

Mandatory course for Principal Investigators and Key Personnel who have previously completed a human subjects training course and will continue conducting human subjects research. The (HSR) Biomedical Refresher course must be completed every 3 years to maintain certification. 

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Human Subjects Research Protections Social-Behavioraloprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AUpon study submissionOnlineYes, every 3 yearsNo

This web-based course is offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) and has a social-behavioral focus covering the historical development of human subjects protections as well as current information on regulatory and ethical issues.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Human Subjects Research Protections Social-Behavioral Refresheroprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AEvery 3 yearsOnlineYes, every 3 yearsYes - (HSR) Social-Behavioral

Mandatory course for Principal Investigators and Key Personnel who have previously completed a human subjects training course and will continue conducting human subjects research.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
IRB Member 101 (IRB Community Member Education)oprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianOptionalOnlineNoNo

This course provides a foundation in human subjects research and research review for  IRB Community members, including a review of the principle that guide ethical research, informed consent, research regulations as well as  regulations specific to vulnerable research populations. HIPAA privacy protections and conflicts of interest in human subjects research are also covered.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Laser Safetyehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory before working with lasersContact EH&SNoNo

The course covers laser classification, safe work practices, and personal protective equipment (PPE). All laser operators are required to attend.

Use a Class 3B or 4 laser
Navigating Research & Scholarship at USCusccer@usc.eduhttp://research.usc.edu/training/Office of ResearchN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianOptionalOnline - every FallNoNo

This research forum will cover updates and guidance related to policies for research during COVID-19, including talks about USC Health, Environmental Health and Safety, Campus Access, Human Subjects & Field Research, Animal Research, Contracts & Grants, Core Facilities, and COVID-19 Funding Landscape & Opportunities.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research, Handle human (or non-human primate) tissue/cell lines/blood or other potentially infectious material, Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Manage/administer grants or contracts, Use or am potentially exposed to chemicals or manage/supervise/work in a wet lab, Work with animals
Participating in Vaccine Researchoprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianOptionalOnlineNoNo

Course clarifies what is considered "research" and provides information regarding vaccines and the efforts made to create a COVID-19 vaccine. The course also reviews the role, rights, and responsibilities of participants/subjects in a research study and considers reasons why to participate, or not, in research studies. It also provides guidance on how to identify/join a vaccine trial.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Principal Investigator Safety Management Trainingehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal InvestigatorN/AMandatory within 90 days of starting work at USCTrojan Learn: Year-roundNoNo

This course is for all USC Principal Investigators conducting research in a laboratory setting and will: 1)  articulate your safety responsibilities as a PI; 2) help you create an implement a health and safe working environment; and 3) advise on best safety practices and procedures.

Principles of Biosafety (BIO) Lab-Specific Trainingehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AWithin 2 month of beginning work in labZoom: Once per monthEvery 3 yearsNo

This course covers safe practices for handling and containment of biological materials including human blood, human pathogens, recombinant DNA, and biological toxins.

Work in Biosafety Level 2+ (BSL2+) lab or with viral vectors, Work in BSL3 laboratory
Radiation Safety Trainingehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory before potential exposure of any worker working with or who has the potential to be exposed to radiation, radioactive materials, or radiation-producing device.Trojan Learn: Year-round; Zoom: Twice per monthNoNo

The course covers radioactive materials (RAM), radiation sources, and radiation-producing devices, safe work practices, personal protective equipment (PPE), and radioactive waste management.

Work with radiation or radioactive materials, Work with X-rays produced by analytic X-ray Diffraction Equipment (XRD)
Remote Contact Tracingoprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianOptionalOnlineNoNo

Course describe the fundamentals of contact tracing and its public health role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Additional topics presented include: a) the clinical course of COVID-19 infection, b) COVID-19 transmission and methods to prevent spread, c) the three types of COVID-19 testing, d) COVID-19 treatment options and e) contact tracing steps.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Research HIPAAoprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AUpon study submissionOnlineYes, every 3 yearsNo

This web-based course is offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program). This course covers requirements of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the responsibilities of researchers and organizations for meeting HIPAA’s privacy requirements and the appropriate data security protections that are necessary to protect privacy. The Research HIPAA Refresher course must be completed every 3 years to maintain certification.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research, Have access to Protected Health Information
Respiratory Training & Fit Test (Medical clearance Required)ehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory before wearing an N95 in the workplaceContact EH&SYes, annualOSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire

Respiratory Protection training provides guidance for respirator selection, explains limitations, proper storage, use and care of respirators. If you are required to wear a respirator, you must first be medically cleared by a physician and attend training annually.

Perform functions for which I am required to wear a respirator
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR at USC)compliance@usc.eduhttps://oprs.usc.edu/education_certification/responsible-conduct-of-research/Office of Culture, Ethics and ComplianceFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory: prior to work done on the studyOnlineNoNo

Requirement to take RCR course varies depending on NSF & NIH funding source. The CITI course should be completed if the funding source is NSF.  Topics include: scientific integrity, misconduct and fraud in science, data acquisition and management, collaborative research, responsible authorship, conflicts of interest, innovation advancement and patents, animal welfare, human subjects, mentor/mentee responsibilities and professionalism in scientific relationships.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research, Handle human (or non-human primate) tissue/cell lines/blood or other potentially infectious material, Use or am potentially exposed to chemicals or manage/supervise/work in a wet lab, Work with radiation or radioactive materials
Shipment of Biological Materials and/or Dry Ice (BHS)ehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory before shipping biological materialsTrojan Learn: Year-round; Zoom: Once per monthYes, every 2 yearsNo

Learn steps for proper shipping of bio samples. Participants are required to renew their training every two years.

Ship Biological Materials
Social-Behavioral Human Subjects (Spanish)oprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/ARequired for Spanish speakers who are named as study personnel on a Social-Behavioral study and required upon study submissionOnlineYes, every 3 yearsNo

This web-based course is offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program). CITI will add soon Human Subject Research Protections (HSR) Social Behavioral Refresher (Spanish) (to be taken every 3 years).  An HSR-SB (Spanish) Refresher is not yet available from CITI. There is no anticipated date of availability. Recertification remains every 3 years.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
TrojanSecure: Cyber Hygiene for System Managers (CyberSafe)diane.mouradian@usc.eduhttps://trojanlearn.csod.com/ui/lms-learning-details/app/course/bcc447d6-23ff-4f52-a6e1-3e4a30a2c8a1USC Information Technology ServicesN/AFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, TechnicianOptionalOnline; Offered year-roundNoNo

USC is a world class institution and that means its also a prime target for bad actors. As a system owners at USC, you have a responsibility to prevent cybersecurity incidents through preparedness, planning, and urgent action in the case of an incident. In this course, you’ll learn about the foundational action items you can use to help keep USC CyberSafe.

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research, Handle human (or non-human primate) tissue/cell lines/blood or other potentially infectious material, Has direct contact with live vertebrate animals, Have access to Protected Health Information, Have expenditure authority on a sponsored project, Listed on an IACUC Protocol (even if not handling animals), Manage/administer grants or contracts, Operate golf/utility carts and low speed vehicles, Perform functions for which I am required to wear a respirator, Ship Biological Materials, Use a Class 3B or 4 laser, Use or am potentially exposed to chemicals or manage/supervise/work in a wet lab, Will handle animal carcasses/tissues or will have access to a vivarium, Work in a shop, Work in Biosafety Level 2+ (BSL2+) lab or with viral vectors, Work in BSL3 laboratory, Work with animals, Work with controlled substances, Work with pyrophoric/explosive or large quantities of flammable materials, Work with radiation or radioactive materials, Work with X-ray irradiator, Work with X-rays produced by analytic X-ray Diffraction Equipment (XRD), Works with biohazardous materials, Works with biohazardous materials in animals
Understanding International Engagement Disclosure Requirementscompliance@usc.eduhttps://trojanlearn.csod.com/ui/lms-learning-details/app/curriculum/77e25c42-75e8-489e-92d9-e11a5222dc8dOffice of Culture, Ethics and ComplianceN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Research CoordinatorOptionalOnlineNoNo

While the University supports the widest range of research engagement and collaboration, international activities carry with them responsibilities that may not be readily apparent. The US government, as well as a range of federal sponsors, have expressed growing concerns regarding inappropriate influence by external entities over federally-funded research and are requiring greater transparency from both institutions and faculty when it comes to their global engagements and affiliations.  The course must be completed in Trojan Learn.

Manage/administer grants or contracts
USC Cart Safetyehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory before driving a university golf cart or Low-Speed Vehicle (LSV).Contact EH&SNoCertified by supervisor or department.

This course provides guidance on the safe operation of golf/utility carts and low speed vehicles (LSVs) and applies to all certified and authorized drivers.

Operate golf/utility carts and low speed vehicles
USC FERPA Awarenesscompliance@usc.eduhttps://trojanlearn.csod.com/ui/lms-learning-details/app/course/741984fb-3002-4ff1-9815-4cee36c89d3bOffice of Culture, Ethics and ComplianceAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory: prior to accessing USC student academic recordsOnlineNoNo

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a federal law regarding the privacy of student education records and establishes requirements related to the release of the records and the access provided to the records.  As a leading educational institution, it is important that the Trojan community is aware of the USC FERPA policy and practices related to student education records. By taking this course, you will gain information on how to respond to student privacy issues and what you can do to protect the privacy of student information.

Viral Vector Training (Biosafety Level 2+)ehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AWithin 2 month of beginning work in labZoom: Once per monthEvery 3 yearsNo

This course is designed to teach researchers the safety concerns surrounding the use of viral vectors.

Work in Biosafety Level 2+ (BSL2+) lab or with viral vectors, Work in BSL3 laboratory
What You Need to Know About COVID-19 Vaccineoprs@usc.eduhttp://www.citiprogram.orgOffice for the Protection of Research SubjectsN/AAdministrative Staff, Faculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianOptionalOnlineNoNo

Review the vaccine candidates for COVID-19. Describe the process of vaccine development through approval. Discuss the policy decision making process for COVID-19 vaccination. Address some of the most common concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccines. 

Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
X-Ray Diffraction Safetyehs@usc.eduhttps://ehs.usc.edu/training/catalog/Environmental Health & SafetyFaculty/Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Research Coordinator, Student, TechnicianN/AMandatory before potential exposure to X-ray producing machines.Contact EH&SNoNo

This course covers aspects of radiation safety for users of Diffraction type radiation producing machines.

Work with X-rays produced by analytic X-ray Diffraction Equipment (XRD)