USC is a world class institution and that means its also a prime target for bad actors. As a system owners at USC, you have a responsibility to prevent cybersecurity incidents through preparedness, planning, and urgent action in the case of an incident. In this course, you’ll learn about the foundational action items you can […]
Facilitate or conduct human subjects research
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR at USC)
Requirement to take RCR course varies depending on NSF & NIH funding source. The CITI course should be completed if the funding source is NSF. Topics include: scientific integrity, misconduct and fraud in science, data acquisition and management, collaborative research, responsible authorship, conflicts of interest, innovation advancement and patents, animal welfare, human subjects, mentor/mentee responsibilities […]
HIPAA Privacy Education Program
Course covers all aspects of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the protection of the privacy of individually identifiable health information. PLEASE NOTE: This does not replace the “Research HIPAA” course.
HHS Conflict of Interest Training
All researchers who propose or conduct research sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services (NIH, CDC, HRSA) must complete training at least once every four years regarding conflicts of interest in research. USC offers online training on the requirements of federal regulations and USC policy, as well as on diSClose, USC’s online disclosure […]
Social-Behavioral Human Subjects (Spanish)
This web-based course is offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program). CITI will add soon Human Subject Research Protections (HSR) Social Behavioral Refresher (Spanish) (to be taken every 3 years). An HSR-SB (Spanish) Refresher is not yet available from CITI. There is no anticipated date of availability. Recertification remains every 3 years.
Biomedical Human Subjects (Spanish)
This web-based course is offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program). CITI will add soon Human Subject Research Protections (HSR) Refresher (Spanish) (to be taken every 3 years) An HSR-Biomed (Spanish) Refresher is not yet available from CITI. There is no anticipated date of availability. Recertification remains every 3 years.