Review the vaccine candidates for COVID-19. Describe the process of vaccine development through approval. Discuss the policy decision making process for COVID-19 vaccination. Address some of the most common concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccines.
Remote Contact Tracing
Course describe the fundamentals of contact tracing and its public health role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Additional topics presented include: a) the clinical course of COVID-19 infection, b) COVID-19 transmission and methods to prevent spread, c) the three types of COVID-19 testing, d) COVID-19 treatment options and e) contact tracing steps.
Participating in Vaccine Research
Course clarifies what is considered “research” and provides information regarding vaccines and the efforts made to create a COVID-19 vaccine. The course also reviews the role, rights, and responsibilities of participants/subjects in a research study and considers reasons why to participate, or not, in research studies. It also provides guidance on how to identify/join a […]
IRB Member 101 (IRB Community Member Education)
This course provides a foundation in human subjects research and research review for IRB Community members, including a review of the principle that guide ethical research, informed consent, research regulations as well as regulations specific to vulnerable research populations. HIPAA privacy protections and conflicts of interest in human subjects research are also covered.
COVID-19: Insights for Higher Ed Leaders
Gain insights to guide strategic planning surrounding COVID-19 operations in Higher Ed.
COVID-19: Back to Campus
A complimentary course to train staff, students, and faculty on COVID-19 safety for their return to campus.