Learn the basics for preparing a proposal, including securing the appropriate approvals and submitting to the funding agency. Topics include types of proposals, interpreting sponsor guidelines, completing sponsor application forms and internal USC forms.
Cardinal & Gold: Navigating the National Science Foundation
Let us help you navigate the policies, procedures and regulations specific to the National Science Foundation (NSF). We will demonstrate the use of FastLane, NSF’s official system for submitting and reviewing proposals, the submission of annual and final project reports and all other post-award notifications and requests.
Cardinal & Gold: Navigating the National Institutes of Health
Preparing and submitting grant applications to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of USC’s largest sponsors, can be a daunting process. This course will help you gain the information and tools necessary to prepare and submit grants utilizing the grants.gov system or PHS 398 applications. Topics include preparing applications for submission, modular grants, the […]
Cardinal & Gold: Help Me With My Budget!
A step-by-step primer on preparing a proposal budget. Topics include: cost components of a budget, universal cost principles applicable to preparing proposal budgets, budgeting techniques and practice, cost sharing, calculating F&A costs and budgeting tools and resources.
Cardinal & Gold: Gifts, Grants Or Whatever
Gift? Grant? Not sure? This course demystifies the classification of awards as gifts, grants or contracts. Instructors provide an overview of the award classification and gift acceptance processes using case studies and other methods.
Cardinal & Gold: Conflict Of Interest In Research
Maintaining the highest ethical standards is critical to our work as researchers. This course reviews regulations and policies related to conflict of interest, including terminology, concepts and procedures for disclosing and reviewing a financial interest. Numerous examples and role-playing opportunities guide participants as they learn to complete forms and identify and assess factors that increase […]