BBP Refresher may be completed: (a) In-house by PI as part of the Annual Safety Refresher. Use the checklist as a guide. OR (b) via The Bloodborne Pathogen and Aerosol Transmitted Disease Online Training as assigned by the PI.
Bloodborne Pathogens Training (BBP)
Anyone working with or has the potential to be exposed to human or non-human primate blood, blood products, cell lines, bodily fluids, or other potentially infectious materials must attend.
Principles of Biosafety (BIO) Lab-Specific Training
This course covers safe practices for handling and containment of biological materials including human blood, human pathogens, recombinant DNA, and biological toxins.
Controlled Substances (CST)
All controlled substance (Sch I-V) users at USC are required to complete the online Controlled Substances Training on Trojan Learn.
General Lab Safety Training
The course covers hazardous materials, lab hazards, engineering and administrative controls, personal protective equipment, and hazardous waste management. Anyone working in USC laboratories must attend. High school students must complete the course and provide a signed Parent Consent Form to their USC research advisors prior to working in USC laboratories.
USC FERPA Awareness
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a federal law regarding the privacy of student education records and establishes requirements related to the release of the records and the access provided to the records. As a leading educational institution, it is important that the Trojan community is aware of the USC […]